Klondike (Yukon) & Alcan Slide Show - Page 3
The van lurks in the bushes waiting to give our riders a snack break! This is at Twin Lakes, and you can just see the edge of the lake above the road on the left side.
The ALCAN tour passes Kluane Lake, possibly the most beautiful lake in the world! It's forty miles long, and the biggest lake in the Yukon. Behind the photographer the St. Elias Range reach almost 20,000 feet.
Just north of Carmacks, the road rises up away from the Yukon River (in the background).
At Dawson City we go to Diamond Tooth Gerties, where in between shows, we can play the slots, roulette, and black jack.
When Gertie finds out we are in town, she always makes us feel welcome!!
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