Klondike (Yukon) & Alcan Slide Show - Page 2
Overlooking Five Fingers Rapids on the Yukon River. Beautiful weather is typical of Yukon summers.
On the Alcan we pass the braided White River. A tributary of the Yukon, it gets it name from its color, which is caused by a layer of white volcanic ash visible across most of the Yukon Territory.
Emerald Lake, just over the pass from Skagway. Very unusual colors on the bottom of the lake are caused by white chalky deposits.
On the Klondike Gold Rush Tour we start riding here, at Frasier B.C. We have just ridden the train from Skagway, over White Pass, and are about to ride down the backside of the pass toward Whitehorse.
Part of the Yukon River at Minto. More of the river is behind the island at right. This is where we catch the boat to Fort Selkirk. Beautiful in the summer, this is very cold country in the winter.
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